- Today I'm grateful for nice UPS and USPS delivery people.
- I'm grateful for socks (those who know me may be shocked by that, but it's been in the 60's lately and I'm freezing... so yes, I have been wearing socks).
- I'm grateful that the less sugar I consume, the better non-sugared foods taste. Today I ate some plain unsweetened, unflavored yogurt and it was SOOOO yummy. There was a time I would have said NO WAY.
(And I had a great cartoon to put here, but I'm suddenly feeling like not joining in with the rest of the internet and using other people's material without their permission.)
I gave up sugar a couple of years ago. I recently at part of a cookie at Costco and could only taste the incredible cloying sugar. Blech. It's amazing how your taste buds can change.