Anyway, let's see what we can put on the agenda for tonight.
- I'm grateful that dilating my pupils (every six months) feels NOTHING like when they use drops to constrict my pupils (before I had laser surgery). I never EVER want to go through that again. Dilating is a wee bit of a PITA if I have somewhere I have to be (like tonight... had to go straight to school with my cartoon eyes... ha ha ha). But you do get to experience a state of continual fireworks with all the different lights on at night. The effect is really something.. particularly with Christmas lights.
- I'm grateful that I found another good book to read. It's a juvenile by Heinlein... I decided to go through all his juveniles. I think there are some that I've missed. And I have no apologies for my reading materials, ever. I'm perfectly fine with young adult fiction because I counter it with some pretty heavy duty non-fiction books.
- I'm grateful for pomegranates. They are just SOOOO yummy!
Oh dear. I did that a couple of weeks ago and looked like a druggie for about 10 hours. Snort...